Das amerikanische Versprechen auf dem Prüfstand

Beginn: 02.10.2024 19:00h
Ende: 02.10.2024 20:30h
Admission: 18:30
Bertelsmann Stiftung, Werderscher Markt 6, Berlin

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ATTENTION: Entering your data in this first step is NO registration for the event, yet!

It is necessary to contact you by e-mail in order to process your registration for the event, from the invitation to the confirmation and the sending of information. By registering for the event, you consent to being contacted by e-mail.

In order to be able to address you correctly in all subsequent processes during the event, we ask you to enter your master data (*mandatory fields) in this first step. Only in the next step you can register for the event by using the button “Continue to event registration”.